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Styling Tables the Modern CSS Way

· 阅读需 21 分钟
Michelle Barker
Senior Front End Developer at Ada Mode and technical writer on web development.

HTML 表格几乎和网络本身一样古老,几十年来一直被使用和滥用。 从前,无畏的网页设计师在没有其他合适方法的情况下,使用表格将复杂的布局拼凑在一起。 值得庆幸的是,如今这已不再是常见的做法,但表格仍然是网络的重要组成部分, 对于显示表格数据至关重要 —— 按行和列组织的二维数据。


在网上创建好看的表格有时会很麻烦。 我们将介绍一些在 HTML 和 CSS 中构建简单和复杂表的技巧和陷阱, 以及现代 CSS 可以帮助我们的地方。

How I stopped worrying and loved Makefiles

· 阅读需 10 分钟
Tomasz Gągor
from Tom's Blog

转载:How I stopped worrying and loved Makefiles

First contact with make

When I was invited for my first job interview in the IT, I’ve been asked such question:

How would you typically build a program from sources, what commands will you use?

I answered:

It’s obvious:

make install

Those times belong to the past now and nowadays not many programmers use GNU Make1. Try asking this question and you will see disgust at best.

For many it’s the fist contact with make and often the last one, but not for me 😉


  1. https://www.gnu.org/software/make/